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المشاركات المكتوبة بواسطة Bernard Saucier

Dia: let's Celebrate Diversity! Night of Culture Featuring Tango Dancing

Dia: let's Celebrate Diversity! Night of Culture Featuring Tango Dancing

Dia: let's Celebrate Diversity! Night of Culture Featuring Tango Dancing

Tue, Apr 25 2023 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Brighton Beach Library

Adults dia everyone is welcome here performance

Beginners and all other levels of experience are welcome.

Join us for a multicultural dance celebration! Meet dance instructor Koba Shonia for a Tango dance lesson to help celebrate Dia, Day of Diversity.

When you have just about any questions concerning wherever as well as the best way to use https://tangostlouis.com/, you'll be able to email us at our web-site.

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